Here are some hair styles that are as trendy as the day they hit the streets. With a little modernization, you can not go wrong with these five simple styles.
The Pixie: This short cropped style was coined by Twiggy in the 70s. And today is still sported on the runway. Its simple yet cute, and can be dressed up easily.

......Hallie Berry .................Twiggy
The Bob: This style is great for all types of hair from curly to straight. it’s a classy style that has been made timeless its simplicity and edge.

Jennifer........................Greta Garbo
The Flip: This unchanged style has made survived through the 60s and 70s and is still making its way to the everyday women. This timeless trend screams power in the work place and respect in the social world.

...Mary Tyler Moore ..........Oprah
The Shag: This trendy style has made an easy wind-blown style, the look of the century! This trend has made a ball gown very glam and jeans look dressy.

.......Jodi Foster........................ Kim Novack
The Pony Tail: The pony tail has been a staple for all ages. it’s the master of bad hair days and the best up-do for an event. This timeless hairstyle will never run its coarse.

Jennifer Aniston. Audrey Hepburn
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