For many people, Kefir is a new word in their vocabulary, but I don’t think it will take very long for it to become a household name. Research shows that the benefit of this grain continues to grow and with little ill side effects in site. So how can this grain that is century years old possibly help you?
Let’s start with the skinny on this product… Kefir is a fermented drink that has been consumed for thousands of years. It originated in the Caucasus Mountains where the drink was fermented in animal hide. Don’t be scared! It is no longer made quite like that. It can be found in a few forms such as a milk beverage or as yogurt. It can also be added to soups, sauces or cakes. Most health food stores in your area now carry it.
Why this product? Well like I mentioned before the alleged health benefits to adding kefir to your daily routine. The Crohn’s and Colitis foundation of America supports continuing research on the supplemental effects it has on the downfalls of Crohns and colitis disease. Other research shows that Kefir contributes to a healthy Immune system and has been used to help patients suffering from AIDS, Chronic Fatigue syndrome, and cancer. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system and this has benefited those who have sleeping disorders, restless leg syndrome, depression and ADHD. Incorporating this product can help relieve intestinal disorders, promote bowel movements, and creates a healthier digestive system. In addition, it has a cleansing effect on the whole body with helps establish a balanced inner ecosystem for optimum health and longevity.
So mix Kefir in with the daily routine and you may just have found the fountain of youth. And to keep your look in tip top shape, visit Salon and Spa Promotions today! Salon and Spa Promotions....the finest salons in the Capital District and promotional prices!

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